On a Walk with Curiosity

This week's eNewsletter Feature was written by Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, FPCE interim senior pastor. Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, This week in worship we’re taking a closer look at Moses. He’s one of my favorite Biblical leaders because Moses was a curious person... and because he did a good job leading a

Road Signs & Wonders

This week's eNewsletter Feature was written by Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, FPCE interim senior pastor. Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I have been talking with the staff and praying over which texts to preach in worship this fall, beginning this week. I am choosing the Lectionary texts from the Old Testament book of

First Thoughts

This week's eNewsletter Feature was written by Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, FPCE interim senior pastor. Dear friends, Thank you all for warmly welcoming me to First Pres Evanston. It was a delight to worship outdoors with you last Sunday. It would greatly help me getting to know your names and recognize your faces if

In Defense of Childlikeness

This week's eNewsletter Feature was written by Jim Teague, FPCE director of communications. Dear friends – Author Paul Miller begins his book A Praying Life, by encouraging us to “become like a child.” He notes Jesus encouraged his disciples in childlike behavior on more than one occasion (Mark 10:14-15, Matthew 18:3, just to name

Crooked Lines and Uneven Shapes

This week's eNewsletter Feature was written by Jim Teague, FPCE director of communications. Hopefully you have noticed over the past few weeks that First Pres is taking part in the sewing of a quilt to celebrate the opening of a sewing school run by our partner Monique Misenga in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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