Music of the Heart

Thoughts from Jim Teague FPCE director of communications. There is probably nothing in this life that keeps me more grounded in my relationship with Jesus than music. I simply cannot imagine spending the last 40+ years of walking in faith (sometimes more successfully than others) without having had songs and hymns to turn to in

The Bible is a Scrapbook

Thoughts from Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, Interim Senior Pastor. Do any of you create actual scrapbooks or photo albums of your year? Or do you have all your precious memories stored in your phone? For Christmas, I created an album for my folks with 52 pages of our greater-family's, summer reunion at the lake. It

Equipped for Love

Thoughts from Jim Teague FPCE director of communications. If you play golf anywhere near as badly as I do, then you understand what it means to have a bag full of options and none of them good. I have, on rare occasion, hit my driver straight and true, but rare is the hole where I

The Work of Christmas Begins

Thoughts from Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, FPCE interim senior pastor. Many, many thanks to staff, leaders, choir & bell choir, musicians, ushers, the building crew, deacons, councils, and the wide variety of volunteers who created such a beautiful and meaningful Advent and Christmas season here at First Pres. Epiphany ends the season with an exclamation point

What is the Bible to You?

Thoughts from Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, FPCE interim senior pastor. "The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes." Psalm 19:8 What is the Bible to you? Some folks have shared with me that The Bible is... ... a comfort, ... medicine, ... a struggle, ... a feast, ... the truth, ... a weapon, ... boring,

Advent: Love All

This week's feature article is written by Jim Teague FPCE director of communications.  Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully. Spend Less. Give More. Love all. AC Week 4/Christmas: Love AllIn the first chapter of her book Advent: The Season of Hope (Fullness of Time), author and Anglican Priest Tish Harrison Warren writes "Advent

Advent: Spend Less

This week's feature articleis written byRev. Dr. Tassie GreenFPCE interim senior pastor. Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully. Spend Less. Give More. Love all. AC Week 2: Spend less? Are you kidding? Maybe like me, you are a gift giver. It’s our love language. Asking us to change how we express our

Conspire with Us This Advent

This week's feature article is written by Rev. Dr. Tassie Green Interim Senior Pastor Conspire with us this Advent. First Pres is joining a movement of churches to refocus on Jesus--Advent Conspiracy. What is Advent Conspiracy (AC)? Over the last decade, thousands of churches (including 2 I pastored) have celebrated

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