Thoughts from
Rev. Dr. Tassie Green,
Interim Senior Pastor.
Wow! The church has been abuzz throughout this Lenten season!
- Six weeks of the series Wandering Heart: Figuring out Faith Along with Peter—a joy to join in together, with the help of A Sanctified Art’s compelling devotional and beautiful, insightful artwork.
- Five minutes of laying our coats and choir robes in the Sanctuary aisle.
- Four Adult Ed classes running simultaneously, including a class on Anti-Semitism with Mayor Daniel Biss.
- Three lovely Taizé services for worshipful reflection and three weeks of hosting the overnight shelter guests.
- Two Goodbyes and two Welcomes: Staff said goodbyes to Annette Logan and Aaron Budoff, even as we welcomed Susan Bederman to the Communications team and Ben Graham to Youth. Ben got the youth group on a roll of having fun (see photo).
- One mission dinner featuring Pastor Mboyamba and Build Congo Schools.
Laying down our coats and choir robes on Palm Sunday!
Holy week kicked off with the Palm Processional and throwing down our “cloaks” in worship to show we are “all-in” on following Jesus.
Toilet paper dodgeball at youth group!
Many thanks to the musicians, choir, teachers, staff, councils, and incredible volunteers who made all this possible.
What’s next at FPCE in Eastertide? One week is simply not enough to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, so we greet one another for 6 weeks by saying joyfully, “He is Risen!” He is Risen indeed!” And the countdown begins anew, this time to Pentecost.
On the journey with you,
Pastor Tassie