

Bright Stars of Bethlehem Virtual Gala

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Bright Stars of Bethlehem’s 5th annual virtual fundraising gala, “20 Years of Hope,” will be hosted remotely in Room 213, Saturday, September 7, at 6:15 p.m. The event, streamed live from Bethlehem, raises awareness and support for Dar al-Kalima University, the first and only university of arts and culture in all of Palestine. Coffee and

Dessert & Coffee with IFES-FSCI representatives

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

First Pres will host a visit with Rasha Saba, general secretary of International Fellowship of Evangelical Students - Fellowship of Christian Students in Israel (IFES-FCSI), on Tuesday, September 10, at 7 p.m. in the FPCE Dining Room. She will be accompanied by her husband, Rami, the general director of the Association of Baptist Churches in

Mission Prayer

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Mission Prayer will meet on Wednesday September 18, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in Room 213 and by Zoom. All are welcome as we pray for our local and global mission partners. Please contact Dave Ivaska for details at DavidIvaska@yahoo.com.

Philip Yancey: Christian Presence in the War in Ukraine

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

As part of our recognition of World Communion Sunday, First Pres Evanston will host renowned author and speaker Philip Yancey, Sunday, October 6, at 4 p.m. in the Sanctuary as he speaks about his recent book What Went Wrong?: Russia’s Lost Opportunity and the Path to Ukraine (co-authored with John A. Bernbaum). The free event is offered

First Friends Thanksgiving Dinner

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Greetings! We will host our annual First Friends Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 10 at 3 p.m. in the Dining Room at First Presbyterian Church. Thank you for your willingness to help welcome, serve and include our First Friends' neighbors from Syria. A number of families and volunteers from our church have befriended them over the

Sunday Nerf Night

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Family Small Group/Youth Group Nerf Night this Sunday Family Small Group will meet this Sunday, November 17, at 4 p.m. for a fun time of Nerf battle, followed by dinner. The Nerf battle is open to all middle school and high school students & friends. Family Small Group meets the second Sunday of each month

Community Shopping Extravaganza

Ten Thousand Villages 1509 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, IL, United States

Thank you to everyone who attended our holiday Community Shopping Extravaganza on December 3! Your support means a lot to us and to Chicagoland Prison Outreach (CPO). If you couldn't make it, you can still support CPO by shopping at Ten Thousand Villages Evanston through Friday, December 6. Mention CPO when you shop in-store at

Ukrainian Scholar Leaders’ Director of Engagement for Eastern Europe speaks January 18

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

On Saturday January 18 at 12:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Evanston will host Scholar Leaders’ Director of Engagement for Eastern Europe, Taras Dyatlik, as he shares his views on the current situation in Ukraine and, more broadly, Eastern Europe. Taras, a Ukrainian by birth, is close friends with our Ukrainian partner, Valentin Siniy. He also is

Understanding The Immigration Crisis Class with Angela Muganwa

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Empowering Refugees: A Transformative Two-Part Event with Angela Muganwa Join us for the first part of an impactful session with Angela Muganwa, Program Manager for Community Integration at Heartland Human Care Services (HHCS). Angela's dedication to empowering refugees one job at a time makes her a leading voice in the community. Event Overview: Angela will share

Training for Action to Support Refugees with Angela Muganwa

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Empowering Refugees: A Transformative Two-Part Event with Angela Muganwa Join us for the second part of a transformative event with Angela Muganwa, Program Manager for Community Integration at Heartland Human Care Services (HHCS). Angela's dedication to empowering refugees one job at a time makes her a leading voice in the community. Event Overview: Angela will

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