Christmas Offering to First Friends Refugee Ministry

This year’s Christmas Eve special offering will go towards the First Friends ministry to Syrian immigrants. Primarily an outreach to Syrian refugees who came to the United States because of the civil war in Syria. The ministry—started by Sally Ivaska, Pastor Younan Shiba, and Caryl Weinberg—began in 2016, with an Iftar dinner for newly

Advent Prayer Wall

Come Participate in our Advent Prayer Wall! Prayer is a powerful way to connect with God, and there are many ways to approach Him in prayer. Here are five types of prayer you can try: Adoration – Purple - Praising God for who He is - To express love and admiration. Confession – Green - Bringing our

Thanksgiving Offering to Support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

This year’s First Pres Thanksgiving Offerings are going to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to help those impacted by hurricanes Milton and Helene earlier this year. Donations can be made online by choosing “Thanksgiving Hurricane Offering” from the drop down menu at Donation envelopes will also be available on November 24 to receive cash or

First Pres Member Stars in One-Man Christmas Show

FPCE member Phil Timberlake plays 19 characters in a one-man show in Lifeline Theater’s “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol.” .” A group of First Pres members will be attending on December 1 - you're invited to purchase your own tickets to join us that Sunday or explore other show times at

EARLY BIRD PRICING EXTENDED for Winter Meltdown ’25!

The Early Bird Discount Pricing has been extended for all FPCE youth and adults who wish to attend ‘Winter Meltdown '25’ next February 14-16, 2025, at Wilderness Territory Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI. We’ll worship, listen to a variety of speakers, work on a service project, play some music, and enjoy the water park. This event

PC(USA) Promotes Efforts to Stop Malaria

Malaria is thought to have killed more people throughout the world than all wars combined prior to World War II. Recently, two new vaccines were approved by the World Health Organization, and the PC(USA) is supporting bipartisan efforts to continue efforts to distribute these vaccines to low-income countries.1 TOGETHER, WE CAN STOP MALARIA! Church partners

Wonderful Piano donated to FPCE

Step into the parlor and behold the stunning new piano! An Evanston resident contacted First Pres via the website and asked if we might be interested in taking ownership of this lovely instrument. Hannah McConnell, director of worship, jumped at the offer and the piano was delivered Tuesday, October 1. The old piano, which

First Pres Hires new Children’s Ministry Director

Abigail Cunningham First Presbyterian Church of Evanston has hired a new director of children's ministry, effective immediately. The First Pres Our Church Our Families Council unanimously recommended the hiring of Abigail Cunningham to the Personnel Ministry Council, which unanimously approved her employment last month. Abigail's first day was Tuesday, August 13. About

Volunteers sought for Sunday morning Audio-Visual help

The First Pres Sunday Morning Audio-Visual Team is looking for more volunteers to help serve during our regular services and special events. We are hoping to double the size of our current team in order to make scheduling easier. Positions include: Projection slide operator Video streaming director Sound board engineer We provide LOTS of training

Beware of Gift Card Email & Text Scams

Another rash of emails have been going out claiming to be from First Pres staff and asking recipients to purchase gift cards. NOTE: No one from the church will ever reach out via email asking you to purchase them gift cards, transfer money to them, or otherwise provide financial assistance. If you receive such emails

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