Membership at First Pres
Membership at First Pres is as much about our commitment to you as it is about your commitment to us. It is said regularly among the staff and lay leaders here that we are not seeking to create members but rather to equip disciples of Jesus.
Each quarter, FPCE holds a Life Together adult education class, offering anyone who is interested (including first-time visitors and current members alike) to learn about who we are, what we believe, and all the fun things we do together as a church! There’s a little bit of history, some theology, an introduction to Presbyterianism, and lots of laughter. Some quarters we offer these classes over a three week period; other times we get it all done in a day.
Our next Life Together Class will meet Sundays after our 9:30 a.m. worship service, September 24 through October 15 in the Parlor. Taught by Dan Shiau, this is open to anyone and you can express interest by signing up here.