Overview: The Snack Coordinator assists First Presbyterian Evanston in accomplishing its mission: To know Christ and to grow in him as we serve and make disciples in Evanston, the Chicago area, and the world. The person in this position oversees volunteers to ensure that snacks are provided for middle and high school youth group gatherings.
- The Snack Coordinator has connected with the Minister of Children and Youth each September and December to get the calendar of youth group dates for the semester.
- A sign up sheet has been created through Sign-Up Genius where parents can volunteer to cover snacks for one of the youth group gathering for the upcoming semester.
- The Sign-Up Genius form has been emailed to parents and circulated in other ways as needed.
- When gaps are present, the Snack Coordinator has tried to find volunteers to provide snacks and has connected with the Minister of Children and Youth if no volunteers could be found.
- A reminder email has been sent to the family volunteering to bring snacks by the Wednesday before the youth group gathering they have volunteered for.
Relationships, Team Composition:
The Snack Coordinator reports to the Minister of Children and Youth and helps to recruit and manage parents as they provide snacks.
Time Commitment: 2-3 Hours per Month
- This position is needed September through May
Special Talents, Skills Preferred: Understanding of technology, detail oriented, organized, able to connect well with people.
Resources, Training Provided: The Minister of Children and Youth will provide parent contact information.
Rev. Amanda Golbek