Overview: The Refugee Event Volunteer assists First Presbyterian Evanston in accomplishing its mission: To know Christ and to grow in him as we serve and make disciples in Evanston, the Chicago area, and the world. The person in this position assists in planning and executing special events that engage refugee families.


  • Potential special events have been brainstormed and planned. Examples include Refugee Thanksgiving Dinner, Syrian Mother’s Day Outing, and Summer Picnic.
  • Details have been organized for the special event.
  • Invitations have been extended to refugee families and others who might participate.
  • The event has been executed from start to finish.

Relationships, Team Composition:

The Refugee Event Volunteer reports to the Director of Mission and is part of a 30-person event team. Refugee Event Volunteers may serve for just one event or for several.

Time Commitment: 4 – 5 Hours per Event

  • Includes planning and execution of the event.

Special Talents, Skills Preferred: Hospitality, helping, administration, organization, enjoys being with people, cross-cultural sensitivity,

Resources, Training Provided: Orientation given for each event. Participation in any other volunteer training is welcome but not required.

Contact Person(s):

Sally Ivaska, sallyivaska1@gmail.com

Caryl Weinberg, cweinberg@firstpresevanston.org