First Presbyterian Events

First Presbyterian Events

Maundy Thursday Service

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Let’s Break Bread Join us for a special Maundy Thursday Service as we come together in the spirit of the Last Supper. Our 2025 Maundy Thursday Communion Service celebrates the remembrance of the last supper Jesus had with his disciples before his crucifixion. This year’s service will take place in the Dining Room on the

Good Friday Service

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Our Good Friday Service is a time of sober reflection on Christ's crucifixion and the events leading up to it. This year's service will take place in the FPCE Sanctuary. There's more information to come!

Event Series Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Men’s Breakfast is a group that gathers simultaneously in-person in Room 213 and on Zoom to socialize, pray and study scripture. Those attending in-person enjoy a breakfast of coffee, tea, donuts and bananas. Contact Bob Bastian at for more information or to request Zoom link.

Easter Sunday Service

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

We celebrate the resurrection of our lord and savior Jesus Christ! This year's service will take place in the FPCE Sanctuary. There's more information to come!

Event Series Quilting & Needlework Group

“Happy Together” Quilt Project

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

The First Pres Quilting and Sewing Group invites quilters and seamstresses of all skill levels to make the quilt “Happy Together”, celebrating children from around the world.  We’ve adapted a pattern that can work for beginners and the more advanced. And you’ll be able to add your own flair to your square. We will meet

Event Series Nourish Women’s Group

Nourish Women’s Group

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Nourish  is a group of women who meet at the church for Bible study, friendship and prayer, also coffee and snacks. Child care is free. This group meets in Room 213 at First Pres unless otherwise announced. This group is currently studying the Book of John, led by an online video commentary. CONTACT: Sally Ivaska

Event Series Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Men’s Breakfast is a group that gathers simultaneously in-person in Room 213 and on Zoom to socialize, pray and study scripture. Those attending in-person enjoy a breakfast of coffee, tea, donuts and bananas. Contact Bob Bastian at for more information or to request Zoom link.

“The Great Divorce” Adult Education Class

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

C.S. Lewis's 1945 novel The Great Divorce will be the foundation for a discussion group. This Adult Education class will meet weekly (with some exceptions) in Room 213. Richard Bell will serve as the class's facilitator. "The Great Divorce arose out of Lewis’ interest in the nature of spiritual choices. The idea for allowing damned

Event Series Nourish Women’s Group

Nourish Women’s Group

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Nourish  is a group of women who meet at the church for Bible study, friendship and prayer, also coffee and snacks. Child care is free. This group meets in Room 213 at First Pres unless otherwise announced. This group is currently studying the Book of John, led by an online video commentary. CONTACT: Sally Ivaska

Event Series Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

First Presbyterian Evanston 1427 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL, United States

Men’s Breakfast is a group that gathers simultaneously in-person in Room 213 and on Zoom to socialize, pray and study scripture. Those attending in-person enjoy a breakfast of coffee, tea, donuts and bananas. Contact Bob Bastian at for more information or to request Zoom link.

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