The Book of Acts Adult Education Class

The Book of Acts Adult Education Class

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Event Series Event Series: The Book of Acts Adult Education Class

The Book of Acts was written by Luke—with the Apostle Paul’s extensive assistance—to defend Paul on the occasion of his pending trial before Nero and to bring the most important news in world history to the capital of the Empire, to the Roman hierarchy, to Nero himself, and to the Gentile world. (Acts 20:24 23:11, 25:10-11, 26:32,27:24).

This class, taught by First Pres member John Mauck, will provide the following takeaways:

  1. New understanding of how Acts can help us understand the present-day conflicts over Jewishness, Islam, Christianity, and American political, social and moral issues.
  2. New evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, and the historicity of Acts.

John Mauck is a long time teacher at FPCE, a lawyer, and the author of the award winning Paul on Trial which, together with the Bible, will be the texts. This class meets in Room 103 (across from the elevator) and concludes on Sunday, December 1, 2024.

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The Book of Acts was written by Luke—with the Apostle Paul’s extensive assistance—to defend Paul on the occasion of his pending trial before Nero and to bring the most important news in world history to the capital of the Empire, to the Roman hierarchy, to Nero himself, and to the Gentile world. (Acts 20:24 23:11, 25:10-11, 26:32,27:24).

This class, taught by First Pres member John Mauck, will provide the following takeaways:

  1. New understanding of how Acts can help us understand the present-day conflicts over Jewishness, Islam, Christianity, and American political, social and moral issues.
  2. New evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, and the historicity of Acts.

John Mauck is a long time teacher at FPCE, a lawyer, and the author of the award winning Paul on Trial which, together with the Bible, will be the texts. This class meets in Room 103 (across from the elevator) and concludes on Sunday, December 1, 2024.

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