Pillars of Reformed Christian Faith Class

Pillars of Reformed Christian Faith Class

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Pillars of Reformed Christian Faith is an examination of the biblical truths that inform and instruct believers about what they should believe and how they should live. The class meets in Room 213 and is moderated by Richard Bell.

Class meetings begin with a lecture by R.C. Sproul from his famous series, Foundations; An Overview of Systematic Theology, and continue with discussion in seminar format.

Past topics have included God’s revelation and God’s nature, and our previous series looked at and redemption, comprising lectures entitled Angels & Demons, The Creation of Man, The Nature of Sin, Original Sin, Transmission of Sin, The Covenants, The Christ of the Bible, The Christ of the Creeds, The Names of Christ, The States of Christ, The Offices of Christ, The Substitutionary Atonement, Why Did Christ Die?, and The Extent of the Atonement.


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