Emmaus Ministries

Joel Mitchell, Executive Director
Emmaus Ministries helps male survivors of exploitation leave the sex trade and rebuild their lives. In Chicago alone, there is an estimated 3,000-5,000 of men and boys involved in tracking, prostitution and survival sex. Our work is summed up by the ACT model.

  • Advocate for the most vulnerable boys and young men, to prevent them from being tracked and exploited.
  • Connect with male victims through Street and Online outreach to let them know there is help.
  • Transform lives through prayer, relationship, and survivor-focused, clinical care that helps men experience deeper healing and lasting change.

Join us to pray for our guys- that they embrace their purpose and be freed from bondage. Pray for our staff be divinely supplied with strength and wisdom.

Learn more:

Contact information:

Emmaus Office – emmaus@streets.org
Joel Mitchell – Joel@streets.org

A face of a survivor of human trafficking