Allen A. Kakooza, Founder

Mission:  To rescue orphans, abandoned and at-risk children, provide them with safe loving foster families and offer support services to communities in need.

Vision and Goals: To create business safety nets for foster parents, youths and at-risk low-income families.  Every active participant will gain skills, tools, and financial literacy to raise their foster child without sole dependence on donations for basic needs. With the rate of people falling back into poverty, it is crucial that safety nets are an essential integral part of any sustainable development plan.

Community Network For Orphans Uganda promotes:

  1. Sustainable orphan care
  2. Self sufficiency
  3. Knowledge transfer (leadership development and training)
  4. Accountability.  CNFOU does this with a 5 year training and development time line, moving participants who enter in a state of poverty towards a place where they can create a sustainable living after 5 years.

Click HERE to learn more details on this CNFOU ministry model.

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Contact information:

Allen Kakooza
Founder – Community Network For Orphans Uganda
Email id:

Phone No: 773-934-9728

Comm Network of Orphans Uganda