Overview: The Communion Coordinator assists First Presbyterian Evanston in accomplishing its mission: To know Christ and to grow in him as we serve and make disciples in Evanston, the Chicago area, and the world. The person in this position ensures that volunteers are properly trained and scheduled when communion will be celebrated at First Pres services and events. The will work with the  needed the elements for communion area available, prepared, set up, and cleaned up after each communion service.


  • Schedule communion servers for services and events where more individuals are needed to help distribute the elements than those pastoral staff who are expected to be present.
  • If necessary, the Communion Coordinator would also serve with a Communion Setup Team Member to help with the following:
    • Confirm chalices, baskets, trays, and plates have been prepared before each communion service.
    • Confirm communion elements have been set up in the worship space.
    • Confirm all elements have been cleaned up and put away after the service.
    • Confirm needed materials have been gathered or reported as needed to the Director of Worship and Music.

Relationships, Team Composition:

The Communion Coordinator reports to the Director of Worship and Music and is the leader of  a team along with the Communion Setup Team Members.

Time Commitment: 1 hour of scheduling volunteers; potentially 1 hour per communion service.

Special Talents, Skills Preferred: Organized and attentive to detail. Willing to make phone calls and/or send emails or texts to schedule other First Pres volunteers to serve communion. Desire to assist with worship, willingness to serve. A willingness to recruit others to help service communion would also be desired.

Resources, Training Provided: The Director of Music and Worship will provide guidance and orientation.

Hannah McConnell