Connections Across Distance and Time

Thoughts from Jim Teague FPCE director of communications. Dear Friends – Abstract digital globe illustrating the exchange of cultural content across international borders, On a cloudy Sunday afternoon, May 25, 1986, I drove to a middle school outside of Springfield, Ohio, (yes, that Springfield), parked my car and walked with my girlfriend

Fall and the fall

Thoughts from Jim Teague FPCE director of communications. Dear Friends – “Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you

Thank You, Oklahoma

Thoughts fromTom Klamm,FPCE member and 2024 youth mission trip participant.Dear Friends – Most of the FPCE team took the church bus to Oklahoma while some were picked up on the way. Eight high school students and three adults traveled from First Presbyterian Church of Evanston to Oklahoma City for a mission trip from July 13

To Resurrect an Idea

Thoughts from Jim Teague FPCE director of communications. Dear Friends – When we think about the toll war takes on a country or a city, we usually (rightly) think in terms of loss of life, injury, and the trauma inflicted on the soldiers and citizenry. We might extend those thoughts to the damage done

Taking Things Bird by Bird

Thoughts from Jim Teague FPCE director of communications. I recently read the book “Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life” by author Anne Lamott. Truthfully, I didn’t read the book. As is my way more and more, I listened to it as an audiobook. This one was narrated by Lamott herself. Her unique

Church Mad-Libs

Thoughts from Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, Interim Senior Pastor. First Pres, you have lived through a huge amount of transition in the last 2½ years, with Rev. Hylton’s and Rev. Golbek’s leaving, with recent staff transitions, even with COVID pivots before that. Thanks to good leadership, caring small groups, active deacons and Stephen Ministers,

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