Pastoral Care
Spiritual Needs
The life of the local church fails to flourish unless its members are able to maintain a balance between being outwardly focused and living a life of selfless care for others, and being nurtured in a way which addresses internal needs and concerns. Believers who are not able to find support for their lives in the church often find it impossible to share the amazing truth of God’s love with others.
At First Pres, we have infrastructures in place to care for those who make up our body without being so inwardly focused that we have nothing to offer those who join us.
Key elements of that structure include:
Sunday Prayer Companions
Each week at the end of the service, trained First Pres members are available to pray with those who request it. This prayer can be for specific needs to be addressed by God, or for general spiritual guidance and a greater knowledge of God’s grace. Our prayer companions are committed to keeping all requests confidential unless otherwise specified.
Prayer Gatherings
We believe prayer changes things and, as such, we gather to lift up personal and church concerns before God. Currently, our Wednesday Prayer Gatherings take place the 2nd and 4th weeks of each month on Zoom. Occasionally this schedule is interrupted by special events or special services.
Emergency guidance
There are times when life’s situations are more serious or dire than we know how to deal with on our own. First Pres pastors and our faith community nurse often come alongside members and attendees in these times. In many cases, practical concerns are met through other care groups.