Worship Field Trip to to Grant Park Music Festival @ Millennium Park

Worship Field Trip to to Grant Park Music Festival @ Millennium Park

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Join music director Hannah McConnell & friends for the next FREE Music Field Trip on Saturday, July 13 to the Grant Park Music Festival concert “Beethoven Emperor Concerto,” also featuring the choral masterwork “Requiem” by Maurice Durufle. E-mail hmcconnell@firstpresevanston.org to RSVP, to get connected with a carpool or to volunteer to drive a carpool, and for more details. More info on the concert may be found here: https://www.grantparkmusicfestival.com/music/2024-season-1/beethoven-emperor-concerto


Worship Field Trip No. 3 to Grant Park Music Festival @ Millennium Park
Saturday, July 13
Carpools depart FPCE @ 5 p.m.
Picnic @ Millennium Park before the concert
Concert begins @ 7:30 p.m.

Photo by Pattern on Unsplash

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