Parking Lot Request Form

Below is a Parking Lot Release of Liability Form. It is important the form is filled out and on file at the First Presbyterian Church of Evanston Office. Its purpose is to be able to get a hold of the vehicle owner in the event of an incident, parking lot maintenance, and/or snow removal. Failure to fill out the Parking Lot Release of Liability Form will result in loss of privileges to be able to park in our lot and the vehicle will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. Our current fee structure for Non-Members of First Presbyterian Church of Evanston: $15 – Half day (six hours or less) $25 – Full day (8:00am – 9:00pm) Overnight Parking – Prohibited If you do not have a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance, you are prohibited from parking at the First Presbyterian Church of Evanston lot located at 1427 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60202.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start Time Requested(Required)
End Time Requested:(Required)

Owner Information:


Vehicle Information

Insurance Information

Parking Policy:

Parking Guidelines
  • There will be no alcoholic beverages permitted on the church property at any time.
  • Trash is not to be thrown in the parking lot.
  • The driver is responsible for behavior and action of his/her car while on church property.
  • All speed limits must be observed: 5 MPH in the parking lot. Reckless driving will result in the loss of parking privileges.
  • Please do not park in handicap, staff parking or next building.
  • First Presbyterian Church of Evanston Permit Parking is allowed in the most south row of the parking lot, located along Greenwood Avenue.

Release of Liability

I hereby release First Presbyterian Church of any responsibility or liability for loss and/or damages to my vehicle, including but not limited to partial or total theft, collision, fire, acts of god, weather, construction, etc. during the course of my car parking in the Church parking lot. I understand that in the event that my car needs to be removed from the premises and/or moved to another spot within the premises, I will be responsible for any charges incurred.

I understand and agree that neither First Presbyterian Church of Evanston, nor its trustees, elders, directors, pastors, members, employees, representatives, volunteers, instructors, or agents may be held liable in any way for any injury, harm, or other damages as a result of my presence on their property.

I have read the Parking Policy and understand all the regulations for proper parking, driving, and conduct while on First Presbyterian Church of Evanston Property. I understand that cars parked in violation of the regulations are subject to booting or towing. I further understand that violation of parking regulations may lead to the revocation of parking privileges.

MM slash DD slash YYYY